AZ-1 module of Era is now available!

AZ-1 module of Era is now available!

AZ-1 module of Era Burner
Simmer Ring & Sealing Cap & Sturdy Stand

There are two different versions of the Era burner available. Their colours are significantly different. (Dark Grey or Light Grey) It is important to note that each version requires specific AZ-1 accessories. The use of an incorrect accessory may result in improper sealing of the lid. To ensure you receive the appropriate accessory, kindly select the colour of your burner from the provided options.

The height of the simmer ring determines the power of the burner.

When using a fire extinguishing cap, make sure the simmer ring is in the lowest position.

When stored, the fire extinguishing cap is placed between the simmer ring and burner to seal the burner.

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